A better food pyramid?

It has been a while since the food pyramid underwent any significant changes. Some experts, like Marion Nestle, suggest that the current pyramid may be contributing to the obesity crisis with its overemphasis of carbohydrates (e.g. breads, cereals, and grains). Those food groups currently make up the biggest layer of the food pyramid, suggesting that people should eat more of those than any other food group.

Designed by Andrew Lasky and selected by judge Marion Nestle, the new design included a two column layout specifying what we should eat more of and what we should eat less of. On the "more" side, it focused on farms, variety, plants, and moderation. On the "less" side it mentions factories, monotony, meat and excess.

While Nestle loved the two-column design, she did mention that she wished it addressed the overconsumption of carbohydrates and emphasized fruits and vegetables more than grains.

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