CEO Café

Ever since the launch of CEO Café, it has been overwhelmed with profuse praises. Those who have tasted CEO Café have literally become “addicted” to it, so to speak. What exactly is in the CEO Café that has made it so sought-after by many?

In fact, apart from offering a great taste, CEO Café also brings to you plentiful health-enhancing benefits that could well be beyond your imagination! CEO Café is a product of natural ingredients exclusively researched and developed by Biotechnology R & D Institute of Shuang Hor Group using only prime coffee beans, freshly brewed for its premium taste.

Besides, it is further enhanced with Yung Kien Ganoderma extract to unleash the full potential of what coffee has in store for you. Formulated after intense research, using only prime coffee beans, freshly brewed for its premium taste, and enhanced with Yung Kien Ganoderma to blend the bitter taste of Ganoderma with the unique bitterness of coffee.

In contrast to the usual plant-base creamer as adopted by other coffee products available in the market, CEO Café uses top-grade low-fat, non-dairy creamer derived from coconut to impart an unmistakably rich aroma unique only to coffee, and is free from any transverse fatty acids, making it the most health-giving drink of its kind. This unique blending cover up the bitterness of Ganoderma and coffee while providing the beneficial of the two.

Above all, CEO Café is free from any flavouring essence or preservatives. It is also worth highlighting that CEO Café has been awarded with the Halal certificate.

The Nutritional Value of CEO Café
Modern medical research works have shown that the coffee bean is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nicotinic acid, potassium, raw fibre, moisture, and various other nutrients. Besides, coffee beans also contain some bioactive compound such as caffeine, tannin, alkaloid, and other health-giving components.

In What Ways does CEO Café Benefit Our Health?
Many new research findings have indicated that in many aspects, caffeine does not pose any threat to the human body as it was previously thought of. More over, CEO Café is formulated using top-grade natural ingredients that feature substantial health-care functions.

1. Improve mental alertness
It is capable of exciting the central nervous system in the brain, extending the hours of keeping alertness, enhancing mental sharpness, and increasing mental focus and concentration to elevate job performance and learning faculty.

2. Protect cardiovascular functions
Coffee is known for its rich content of phenol compounds, which are powerful antioxidants capable of retarding the speed with which low density lipoproteins (LDL) is oxidized by up to three times, in addition to dissolving blood clots and discouraging the formation of thrombi.

Furthermore, coffee has an amazing effect in improving vascular constriction to prevent the onset of headache as a result of vascular dilation in the brain. As CEO Café is also enhanced with Yung Kien Ganoderma extract, it exhibits exceptional efficacy in relieving migraine.

More so, regular consumption of coffee will contribute to reinforcing the strength of the contraction of myocardium, promoting blood circulation, and removing fatigue to keep cardiovascular diseases at bay.

3. Antioxidant Effects
CEO Café offers a rich blend of caffeine, caffeic acid, Yung Kien Ganoderma extract, and other antioxidant substances, which work wonders in combating the health threatening free radicals found in our body.

Free radicals are the prime culprits behind many health problems (such as cardiac lesion, arteriosclerosis, stroke, emphysema, Parkinson ’s disease, etc.). Excessively high level of free radicals will also adversely affect our body’s metabolism, destroy body cells, and wreak havoc to the various organs and tissues.

4. Control Bodyweight
Caffeine is capable of increasing the rate of the caloric expenditure in the human body. Research findings have shown that the consumption of 1 cup of CEO Café is good enough to speed up the breakdown of the fat content in the food, elevate the body’s metabolic rate by 3~4%, and increase caloric expenditure. That explains why regular consumption of CEO Café can be helpful in cutting down bodyweight.

5. Promote Digestion
As caffeine has the ability to excite the sympathetic nerve and encourage the secretion of gastric juice, having a cup or two of CEO Café can help digestion and prevent gastroptosis.

6. Promote Diuresis
CEO Café is capable of promoting kidney and diuretic functions to increase the volume of urination and improve the condition of bloated stomach and dropsy or oedema. As such, its consumption will also entail an increased frequency of visiting the toilet.

7. Improve the Condition of Constipation
CEO Café is effective in exciting the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones to promote peristaltic activities, hence can be consumed as a mild purgative to encourage bowel movement.

8. Increase Physical Agility
Caffeine is also helpful for athletes, as it can increase the physical agility, facilitate muscular contraction, and boost athletic performance.

9. Work as an Antidepressant
Consuming an appropriate amount of coffee can help improve alertness, promote a cheerful frame of mind, and hence relieve the symptoms of depression. It other words, as you enjoy the great taste of CEO Café, it also effectively melts away the stress in you.

Main Ingredients
100% coffee beans, low fat non-dairy creamer, and Yung Kien Ganoderma.

How to Consume CEO Café
Add 1 sachet of CEO Café into about 150ml of boiling water, stir well, and it is ready to be served. Convenience in consumption is one feature that makes it popular. It can be taken chilled or hot. Formulations with or without sugar are made available to suit your needs. Sipping a cup of CEO Café after a meal can certainly be a rejoicing moment to enrich your lifestyle.

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