About Lingzhi (Ganoderma)

What is Lingzhi

Lingzhi, scientific name ganoderma is a functional food, is a species of fungi and a precious herb. It is classified as a superior herb in the earliest Chinese medical classic herbal compendium "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" 《神农本草经》more then 2000 years ago. It is also recorded by one of the ancient most famous physician and pharmacologist Dr Li Shi Zhen in "Compendium of Materia Medica" 《本草纲目》during the Ming dynasty. (A.D 1590)


Above is the famous chinese saying from 《神农本草经》. It mean long term consumption of Lingzhi lighten the body, prevent aging and thus having godly longevity.

Lingzhi is a species of herbal mushroom and Lingzhi itself do have many different species too. In ancient, there is no high technology equipment to differentiate the species of Lingzhi, thus Dr Li Shi Zhen in "Compendium of Materia Medica" grouped Lingzhi into 6 different colour groups, basically Red, Purple, Yellow, White, Blue and Black.

Among the 6 groups, red colour Lingzhi(赤灵)has the highest and most supreme medical content. When people mentioned about Lingzhi, they usually refer to the highest grade - red Lingzhi.

Medical herbs are classified into 3 category:
  • Inferior - Effective but with some toxic. Not for long term consumption.
  • Medium - Effective with some some side effective. For long term consumption.
  • Superior - Effective with no toxic and side effect. For long term consumption.
Lingzhi has all along classified under supreme of the superior herb in history. It is one of the best herb under superior quality. It is a type of mushroom and is not a drug in the sense that Lingzhi does not have any toxic and side effect. Lingzhi is completely safe as human has been consuming Lingzhi for thousand of years.

Component and functions of Lingzhi

Triterpenoids are the key element of Lingzhi and are the main cause of Lingzhi's bitter taste. While other plants also contain triterpenoids, Lingzhi's triterpenoids (known as "Lingzhi acids") are unique and is of different quality found in any other plants.

  • Modulate immunity
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Promote disaggregation of thrombi
  • Improve elasticity of blood vessels
  • Increase mobility of blood flow
  • Enhance liver function (detoxification)
  • Alleviate allergic conditions

Polysaccharides are composed of several 100,000's to several millions of glucose units. Everyday starch also has the same composition. It is possible to extract different types of polysaccharides with extremely heavy molecular weights from Lingzhi. But because the bonding of the polysaccharides in Lingzhi is very different from that in starch, it is difficult for human digestive enzymes to break them down into the small molecular glucose. Consequently, Lingzhi polysaccharides are able to have a number of important physiological effects in humans and animals, and are beneficial to human health.

  • Fortify immune defence
  • Remove free radicals
  • Promote regeneration of liver cells
  • Strengthen the physique

Ganoderma Nucleotide
Ganoderma Nucleotid consist of RNA, Adenosine, Adenine and Uracil. Adenosine is the main substance found in Lingzhi capable of suppressing the coagulation of platelets in the blood, and thus preventing the formation of embolisms. Adenosine is also one of the molecules the body uses to transmit genetic information. The other nucleic acids adenine, uracil, and RNA also possess important physiological activity.

  • Inhibit platelet aggregation and improve blood circulation

Lz-8 Protein
Discovered in 1989, this molecular protein found in Lingzhi can regulate the human immune system. It is now known that the molecular weight (15,000~29,000) and amino acid composition of this protein are similar to those of a human immunoglobulin, so it certainly possess an immune function.

  • Modulate immunity

Other components
Vitamins, Minerals etc.

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