Lingzhi vs our body

The uniqueness of Lingzhi: It is a multi-functional food which is capable in prevention and treatment of most kind of illnesses and diseases. To understand how why Lingzhi is able to do so, we need to first understand our body, which is made up of major components - our organs.

In the beginning, you're just a cell in your mother body. The cell developed into a lump of tissue. The tissue continue to grow and your organs are slowly formed. Many of us do not know that illnesses and diseases develop the same way. They start from the cell! So do cancer when our cells get haywire and become cancerous cells which later formed into a malignant lump of tissue.

So what cause our cell to go haywire or malfunction? A lot of reasons, just to name some:
  • Unhealthy food
  • Unclean water
  • Unhealthy lifestyle / habit
  • Pollution
  • Genetic reason
  • Toxins accumulated in our body
  • Stress
In short: cell ==> tissue ==> organ ==> body

Our body is sick, because our organ is not functioning well.
Our organ is not functioning well because the tissue in it are not healthy or damaged.
Our tissue is not healthy because our cell is not healthy and being invaded by virus / disease.

Why is Lingzhi able to treat or prevent different types of illnesses associated with different organs? The answer is simply because Lingzhi target on our cell! It work on a cellular level in our body. It basically do 4 jobs on our cells:
  • Speed up regeneration of new cells in our body.
  • Protect and strengthen the healthy cells in our body.
  • Repair and heal cells that are injured in our body.
  • Eliminate the damaged cells fast from our body.
All our organs are made up of tissues which in turn made up of cells. Thus Lingzhi is unlike drugs or other herbs which only help in one specific organ. It is a multi-functional herb which is the life saviour of modern people, for people now are face with the above reasons resulting our cell to go haywire.

Our body are made up of 6 major systems - Respiratory System, Nervous System, Immune System, Circulatory System, Metabolic & Endocrine System and Digestive System. Any of this systems not functioning properly will affect the other systems sooner or later. Prevention is always better then cure. Maintaining our cells to be healthy and from going haywire is the best way to prevent diseases.

In order to successfully prevent any disease, we have to first understand how our body work, our immune system - which specialise in regenerating new cells, healing and fighting off diseases.

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