How To Prevent Premature Ovary Aging

Today, more women are facing high work pressure as well as psychological disturbance. Every day, they feel tired and full of tension. These problems may cause premature ageing. And some even suffers from premature menopausal syndromes.

According to a survey, 27% of women in their 30s have early menopausal symptoms.

Premature ovary aging is one of the reasons for premature aging. If left untreated, it significantly affects your health. Apart from reduced menses, there are also changes in menopausal syndromes and other pathological conditions.

Presently, we discover premature ovary aging occurs in younger women as well with increasing rate. However, many women ignore this problem. They thought having no menstrual cycle may be better. Therefore, they often don't go for treatment.

As a result, they only realize their premature ovary aging problem when they cannot conceive.

What is premature ovary aging?
In normal circumstance, your ovary starts to age when you are between 45 and 50 years old. If you have ovary aging problem when you are 40, medically we call it premature ovary aging.

In this case, your body could not excrete sufficient female hormones. When ovary undergoes aging, your physiological cycle also stops. This causes irregular menses, very little menses, no menses at all or gradual menses cease.

All these signal premature ovary aging. The rate of occurrence is almost one upon a hundred every year.

Why premature ovary aging occurs?
Presently, we still do not fully understand its reason. It may be caused by:

  • abnormality in self-immunity
  • genetics problem
  • lack of certain enzymes
  • parotid gland inflammation which damage ovary function
  • treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • and other chemical factors
  • Among all these reasons, abnormality of self immunity is the most common.

According to statistic, 20% to 22% of the patients with premature ovary aging also have self-immunity problem of other organs.

Some say the condition of ovary function will determine when the menses will stop. Apart from the above mentioned factors, some daily habits could also cause premature menses stop.

1) Smoking
Research reports have shown that smokers would have earlier occurrence of menses stop. For those whose husband is a smoker, she may suffer from menses stop 1.1 to 2.2 years earlier than the average.

2) Alcoholic
Alcohol will directly damage the sex gland and cause ovary shrinking. Researchers have also discovered that alcohol will speed up brain damage and influence pituitary gland secretion. Apart from that, alcohol can damage the liver and weaken liver cell. Finally, alcohol retards the activity of estrogen hormone as well as speeds up ageing process

3) Medication
Some women often take aspirin during menstruation or toothache. Researchers have indicated that high concentration of anti-pain medicines has suppressive effect on cells, causes insufficient ATP. This in turn leads to the death of reproductive cells due to lack of energy supply.

4) Fond of unhealthy food
Some women like to take high fats and high sugar food regularly. Eventually, this leads to obesity. At the same time, degeneration of ovary functions also occurs.

5) Not hygienic
Personal hygiene and sex life hygiene are very important. If cells undergo constant sex disease infection, the oviduct and ovary cell membranes will become thicker. This reduces its activity and retards its hormone secretion ability.

6) Tightness of lingerie
Lingerie with high tightness will restrain proper growth of ovary and harm it too. This effect is especially damaging for those who wear tight lingerie constantly.

7) Long term pressure
In this ever competitive environment, women constantly undergo body and mental pressure. They may suffer more than men. Apart from having to play her role well in her job and maintain good relationship with others, she must also care for her family well.

This long term psychological pressure may cause early menopausal syndrome. They usually feel very tired, moody and experience insomnia, forgetfulness, diarrhea and constipation.

Sometimes they might feel bored with their work, thus affecting her communication with others and increase her own burden.

How to prevent premature ovary aging

1. Balanced diet
Eat more cereals, beans and food rich in phytoestrogen (estrogen from plants). Reduce consumption of red meat and take more fish. Drink less coffee, thick tea, wine and other stimulating drinks. Also take less chilly, onion, garlic and gingers.

2. Breast feeding
Emphasize on breast feeding and prolong breast feeding duration.

3. Have enough sleep
Sleep is the key to better health to prevent premature ovary aging. Between twelve and three during midnight and early in the morning, our temperature, breathing, pulse beat and overall body functions are in their lowest condition. So, try to sleep between ten and eleven at night.

4. Have proper exercise and good daily habit.

5. Keep yourself very positive and enthusiastic.
Eliminate any tension feeling you might have.

6. Discipline your life and set reasonable goal.

Having premature ovary aging causes loss of your happiness in sexual life. The concern and care from the loved one is very important. I hope man would pay more attention and be more tolerable to his partner.

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