What Causes Cancer

Cancer is not nature, it is a man made disease... and for the most part, completely preventable.

There is no one single cause of any disease. We can only talk about cofactors, causative agents and life situations that like peaces of puzzle comes together and promote disease of cancer. There are hundreds of cofactors and causative agents that each have casual relationship to poor immunity, poor health, accumulation of toxins inside body, poor thoughts and each one have been mistakenly called cause of cancer.

Most important cofactors are lack of knowledge, poor thoughts, lack of consciousness, lifestyle, diet, exposure to toxins, life situations... We are only able to recognize the largest pieces of this puzzle, while some smaller pieces, that all together may cover an area as big as that area covered by the large pieces of the cancer puzzle, often stay unrecognizable. Our body, mind and spirit are one with our environment. Anything that disturbs balance inside our body, mind, spirit, or our relationship with environment promotes cancer.

Can you really fight cancer with diet and lifestyle changes?

The statistics are staggering. And the future is threatening. Cancer is fast becoming the top killer disease worldwide. Do you know what really cause cancer? How can you significantly reduce your chances of getting this killer disease?

Upon having cancer, almost everyone ask the same question...

“Why me?”

It’s a sad fact. Most people don’t know why they get cancer, even at the final moment of their life. In fact, they may have unknowingly planted the seed for cancer 10 to 20 years earlier.

Finally cancer comes...
Imagine the pain 10 times more painful than normal headache, all over the body. Usually, cancer patient will struggle with high confidence in the beginning.

Finally, they gave up.

Cancer can make the toughest man kneel down and cry. They begged doctor to let them die peacefully because they really couldn’t stand the pain.

Once, a lady with breast cancer told me, “I had a friend with uterus cancer. She struggled and rolled on the floor because of the pain. She wanted to commit suicide but couldn’t find a good way. At that time, I couldn’t understand her suffering. But now I can. Actually I’m thinking to call her and ask for the best way to commit suicide.”

After pausing a few seconds, she said slowly, “I’m not kidding you. I really cannot stand it.”

In less than a month, she died in a specialist hospital. She was only 40 years old. Her breast cancer had reached the fourth stage.

How do you feel when you hear the word “cancer”?
Is it enough to strike some fear inside you? Do you know that cancer strikes 10 million people and claims 6.3 million lives a year?

Every 10 seconds, someone dies of lung cancer somewhere in the world. After you finish reading this post, about 100 peoples have just died from lung cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) rated it as the second leading killer disease after coronary heart disease. They warned that cancer cases are expected to double globally during the next 25 years.

Are you going to join the cancer statistic?
Or do you want to fight cancer and reduce your chances of getting it? The climbing cancer rate is hardly surprising when you consider that cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) are so prevalent all around you. Some examples are…

• tobacco
• alcohol
• asbestos
• pesticides
• Benzene
• Formaldehyde
• steroids
• PCBs
• additives and preservatives
• pollution
• glues and solvents
• municipal incinerators
• toxic waste dumps
• electromagnetic radiation

The list could go on and on. And most are from man-made products for modern lifestyle.

It seems unavoidable and unstoppable.
Everywhere we go, there is pollutions, our daily life is filled with chemicals and all sort of dangerous rays.

Human are driving to his own doom. In today society, money make the world go round. No one really care much about your health. As long as it make money, chemicals are poured into our products, food are processed or genetically-modified.

Thanks to human evolution, we bring cancer to ourselves. And the sad new is many of us are not aware of the DANGER we face everyday! How would one know that the nature plant food like corn and beverage like soy milk are genetically-modified. And there is A LOT more processed food then we thought! We're totally ignorant of the harmful chemicals all around us. Below is an example of a day in contact with all sort of carcinogen and chemicals:

• Taking a bath with carcinogen chemicals in shampoo, facial and body cleanser
• We brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a toxin!
• You put on cosmetics which contained lots of harmful chemicals
• During breakfast you eat processed food (a lot of food is processed including rice, bread, milk)
• The water you drink from your tap is full of chemicals, toxins and impurities
• On your way to work, you're taking in carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides etc
• You're taking in tobacco smoke from the smoker walking in front of you (or you smoke)
• During lunch you take in unhealthy food (most food sold outside contained MSG)
• You took canned drink which contained BPA
• The polycarbonate plastic water dispenser in your office leach BPA
• Even if you bring home cooked food, plastic food container leak BPA
• You went shopping during lunch time, the ink on most receipt contained BPA
• Working indoor you're constantly exposed to radiation from computer screen
• Working outdoor you're constantly exposed to ultraviolet rays
• Depending on your job, you may be exposed to more carcinogen chemicals (e.g. painter)
• During dinner you take in unhealthy / processed food again
• Even if you cook, vegetable contained pesticides, meat contained growth hormones, antibiotics
• After dinner or during weekend you went drinking, barbecue, etc
• You sleep late (toxins build up)

BPA is found in all metal can and tin which contained food or beverage including infant milk powder. BPA caused breast and prostate cancer, one of the top cancer in man and woman (go wiki BPA).

"The problem is, BPA is also a synthetic oestrogen, and plastics with BPA can break down, especially when they're washed, heated or stressed, allowing the chemical to leach into food and water and then enter the human body. That happens to nearly all of us; the CDC has found BPA in the urine of 93% of surveyed Americans over the age of 6. If you don't have BPA in your body, you're not living in the modern world."

- The Perils of Plastic, TIME Magazine

Toxins accumulate in your body everyday. Now if you think my post is exaggerate and thinking everyone is still alive isn't it? Think again. Cancer doesn't developed overnight. It is through years of chemicals and toxins accumulated in our body, constant exposure to carcinogen, unhealthy food and prolonged unhealthy lifestyle. Now how can you not get cancer?

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