Cancer Killer - Wheatgrass

If we look at oxygen as a bullet to kill cancer cells, then we should look at wheatgrass as a shotgun blast at treating cancer. The number of ways it deals with cancer is incredible. First of all it contains chlorophyll, which has almost the same molecular structure as hemoglobin.

Chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production, meaning more oxygen gets to the cancer. Selenium and laetrile are also in wheatgrass, both are anticancer. Chlorophyll and selenium also help build the immunity system. Furthermore, wheatgrass is one of the most alkaline foods known to mankind. And the list goes on.

Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins (several are antioxidants), including B12, many minerals and trace elements, including selenium, and all 20 amino acids. It also contains the hormone abscisic acid, the antioxidant enzyme SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) and over 30 other enzymes, the antioxidant enzyme cytochrome oxidase, laetrile, and a whole lot of other nutrients.

"superoxide dismutase (SOD) - which converts two superoxide anions into a molecule of hydrogen peroxide and one of oxygen"

In other words, SOD converts one of the most dangerious free radicals: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), into a hydrogen peroxide molecule (which has an extra oxygen molecule to kill cancer cells) and an oxygen molecule.

Now let's talk about cytochrome oxidase.

"In 1938, the great cancer scientist and researcher Paul Gerhardt Seeger, M.D., revealed that the true cause of the cancerous degeneration of a cell results from the destruction of a specific respiratory enzyme, cytochrome oxidase. In other words, cancer in the cell is caused by disturbance of oxygen utilization, or cell respiration.

But it may be that chlorophyll is the best part of wheatgrass.

"In a study reported in the journal Mutation Research comparing the anticancer effect of chlorophyll to beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll was proven to be a more effective antimutagen than any of them."

It is suspected the main reason chlorophyll is so good at dealing with cancer is the oxygen availability it provides.

"Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron. Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and release free oxygen."

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