Some countries are fluoridating their water supply for the theoretical benefits of fluoride helping to prevent cavities. What is happening is the ingested fluoride takes the place of iodine that should be there in the teeth, especially growing teeth. Iodine and thyroid for example have complete control of tooth growth along with some help from growth hormone. It is only because our iodine intake has been decreasing over the years that fluoride has been mistakenly added to our water with the idea of helping children's teeth. It would have made more scientific sense to have added more iodine. Monitoring of the results of fluoridation and iodine intake have not been consistent. As one would expect there are lots of publications now about the problems with too much fluoride.
Fluoride has also been used against osteoporosis with beneficial results. This again is just replacing what iodine should be doing. The minor problems of osteopenia (minor loss of calcium) seen in some patients put on thyroid is related to the fact that the same patients are low in iodine. The low iodine causes the hypothyroidism and also the inappropriate short term bone response. If iodine is given with the thyroid hormone this abnormal response can be avoided. So persons taking adequate daily iodine will unlikely to ever develop osteoporosis.
So even though fluoridation might work in children it does not work in adults. Therefore adults using fluorinated tooth paste will unlikely see any benefit and may end up with signs of excess fluoride such as browning of the teeth. It does not make sense to substitute a toxin for the natural iodine that should be there. It would have been simpler and more effective if the iodine intake of children was raised. This would provide the needed iodine and make stronger thyroid glands.
Green tea is supposed to help prevent stomach cancer in China. But in fact the way to prevent stomach cancer is to take more iodine. Thus the benefits of the Green tea may be related to the fluoride in the tea substituting for iodine. Iodine therapy would be more effective.
- Dr. David Derry

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