The 3 Keys to Charisma

What are the secrets to charisma? Is it something you are born with or can you develop it over time? In this episode of “Ask Deepak” on The Chopra Well, Deepak Chopra outlines three key ingredients to charisma, demonstrated by the greatest leaders in history. Leadership may come more naturally to some than to others, such as Deepak’s example of Bill Clinton, but we can all learn to practice these skills over time. They are what Deepak teaches in his “Soul of Leadership” course at Kellogg School of Management, and also in his book by the same name.

The three keys to charisma:

1. Be completely present in the moment. Make those you interact with feel that they are the most important person in that moment.

2. Be responsive to feedback but immune to both criticism and flattery. You will not be offended by criticism, and your actions will not be influenced by flattery.

3. Radiate warmth through compassion, empathy, joy, and equanimity.

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